Fearlessly Embodied

Mentorship + Mastermind

6 Months to Heal Through Your Past Pain & Alchemize it into Purpose…
Turn your Fear into Freedom…

So you can Finally… Unlock Your Next Level of Potential to Create the Life & Business of Your Dreams!

next level mastery

It all begins with an inner whisper that you are made for more…

But you keep getting in your own way.

You feel stuck…unsure about how to go about taking your next steps.

Self Doubt cripples you from making the impact you came here to make.

You feel disconnected from the aliveness that you know lives within you.

Maybe you have been deeply in the hustle and are starting to feel the burn out.

You know there are old stories, outdated narratives, childhood wounds and false beliefs that keep you in loops that you know are no longer serving you.

Your internal dialogue speaks to you that you are ready to step into a deeper embodiment of your leadership.
You carry this deep understanding that you have a greater purpose to fulfill…

Or I don’t know…maybe you are wanting to know yourself more intimately?

You are longing for a deeper spiritual connection and practice to something greater than yourself!

You are longing for deep self love, self intimacy and self empowerment

Next Level Mastery
Mastermind + Mentorship

A Journey to discover your deeper depths and feel more of your magic.

Fearlessly Embodied is our High Level 1-on-1 Mentorship + Mastermind for the woman who knows she has more magic to share, more impact to create and a deep desire to get out of her own way.

If you are ready to finally get out of your own way and live a life full of freedom, pleasure and ease…


This High Level Mentorship & Mastermind for the Visionary, Leader & Coach… READY to heal through the wounds, experiences and stories keeping her stuck

The woman who has a deep desire to cut through and alchemize deep & limiting beliefs, false stories, crippling self illusions or outdated narratives that keep you in loops that don’t serve your highest impact!

This is a program to move through the feelings of not being worthy, not feeling lovable or valuable and simply not feeling like enough in your current season of life.

The woman that is ready to unlock MORE of your gifts and take your vision to the next level.

To live through a lens of knowing “This is what I came here to share with the world.”

The woman that is deeply longing to date yourself, know yourself and love every aspect of your leadership magic.

To Dissolve walls, armor and protection that stop you from being vulnerable, authentic and magnetic to unlock your NEXT level of DEEP embodied leadership.

For when we lead from a deeply healed, embodied and empowered place… free from our old pains, traumas and wounds the world feels our gifts and reflects back our magnetism.

This is the program where we give permission to ourselves… to Rekindle deep self love, unwavering faith and radical devotion to the gifts and impact we came here to share!

Not sure where to start?

Sit with me for a minute…

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • $Desiring a deeper & more intimate relationship with yourself?
  • $Feeling stuck in your life or business & unsure of your next steps?
  • $Feeling tired of the same limiting beliefs that keep holding you back?
  • $Feeling like you are made for more but unsure what that is?
  • $Feeling disconnected to the current version of yourself?
  • $Feeling a desire to create a deep & intimate connection with yourself?

Are you tired of these crippling feelings…

And FINALLY ready to do something about it?

If ANY of these things sound familiar…and you’re wondering when you are finally going to feel that breakthrough, that next level you…

I am going to give you a shake up call, love…

Change happens when you STOP doing exactly what you have been doing and TAKE action towards a whole new perception of your life!

That’s where you create magnetism in your business, aliveness in your heart and passion for everything you do in your life!


  • $ Feeling proud of the deep relationship you have built with yourself & with the home you have created in your body
  • $Feeling excited to get out of bed every morning to work on bringing life to your next level business vision
  • $Finding deep clarity and a knowing of your worth
  • $Living an abundantly aligned life in your body, business and being
  • $Feeling deeply aligned with your current business offer and excited to make an even bigger impact
  • $Living life with full self love and a devotion to share your gifts with the world

Ready for the Next Level You?

Are you ready to become the powerful woman you know you came here to be?

Are you ready to live the life you have always dreamt of and know you deserve?

Are you ready to feel the magic & magnetism of what it means to be a feminine embodied leader?

Why Is This So Powerful?

This is a process that took me from crumbling to flourishing.

I get asked all of the time… “How did you go from the bodybuilding woman I used to go to for workout advice to the motivational woman you are now with so much insight and depth?”

This definitely hasn’t been a short and/or easy process but a journey I wouldn’t change for the world!

The evolution of the program started after college when I was tired of my own bullshit..coming home almost every night blacked out drunk because I didn’t know how to deal with my pain. I was numb and running. From there, I decided… “Enough is Enough” and said… if I want to live a life I am obsessed with… I need to make a change.

So I hired a bodybuilding coach and committed myself to a life of health. After 3 years, bodybuilding became deeply unhealthy and detrimental to my health. I had lost my cycle for 3 years and my hormones were completely out of balance.

I was in and out of doctor appointments, blood tests, urine tests and even an MRI on my pituitary because they thought there might be a slight chance of a tumor.

And decided to go this holistic health/eastern medicine route for my healing. After 8 months I got my cycle back and all my hormone levels were balanced.

This changed how I viewed the world forever…

I fell in love with holistic healing and went on to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition for a Health Coaching Certification and went on to specialize in Gut & Hormone Health.

I became deeply curious about the healing and spiritual world that I began attending just about ANY workshop I could find…from meditation, sound healing, breath work, akashic records, intimacy healing, lucid dreaming and more!

As I was guiding my clients through their own transformation, I was also on a deeper journey myself through somatic therapy and sexological body work. And from there, my world exploded into so much opportunity that I was ecstatic about sharing with my clients.

From there, my coaching rapidly elevated. As I fell deeper in love with the breakthroughs that were available to my clients. I went on to get certified in NLP, Timeline Work, EFT Tapping, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Success & Life Coaching.

From there I became deeply curious about facilitating inner child and shadow work!

And that opened me up to my feminine alchemy and breath work certification.

And through that my life and the way I viewed the world changed FOREVER!

The Approach

I developed this 5 Phase Healing & Integration Approach…

I call “The Ascension Method” that includes on all of the healing & growth tools I learned through the many health & life coaching certifications I hold and the opportunity to learn through insights from all of my amazing mentors and all the experiences that helped me overcome troubles and turn them into triumphs along this journey I call, My Life.

Give me 3 minutes and I’ll show you your transformation…

Who is this for…

The "I'm Made for More"

Are you tired of putting up with your own excuses? Are you feeling stagnant in your life? Are you ready to become that version of yourself you know you are capable of growing into?

The Feminine Embodied Leader

Are you facing burnout in your business? Are you desiring more wealth with less work? Are you ready to learn a whole new way of leadership? One with flow, ease and even more magnetism?

The Career Transitioner

Are you getting that inner whisper that you are here to give more? Are you feeling stagnant & unfulfilled in your career? Are you ready to turn a passion project into a business?

The Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to take your business to the next level? Are you creatively or abundantly blocked?

The Elite Coach

Are you feeling that you need another breakthrough to be able to provide your clients deeper transformations? Do you want to step into the next level of leadership you know you are capable of?

The Five Phase 

Ascension Method

I call “The Ascension Method” that includes on all of the healing & growth tools I had the opportunity to learn & grow through, insight from the many health & life coaching certifications a went through, my amazing mentors and all the workshops and retreats that helped me overcome troubles and turn them into triumphs along this journey I call, My Life.

Step 1


The Awareness Phase is where we assess & unpack your current state of being to create awareness around your emotions, past experiences that have shaped the way you show up in your life, process thoughts & emotions. This helps us get clear on what is holding you back from the life you know you deserve to live.

Step 2


The Alleviation Phase is where we start to dive into the inner healing work that will guide you to develop tools to process childhood experiences, unlearn outdated programming and reparent your inner child through each stage of development.

Step 3


The Activation Phase is where we continue unpacking the belief systems holding you back. Where we move repressed emotions & stored experiences up and out of your body somatic embodiment, feminine alchemy healing modalities and shadow work. This is where you begin to feel an aliveness awaken within your entire body. The ability to step into your power and own your radiance becomes more clear.

Step 4


The Application Phase is where we work with polarities and the magic of masculine + feminine energetic harmony. Where you start to see the magic of your inner work come to fruition in your external world & you feel the deepest level of clarity when it comes to taking your next actionable steps. This is where you feel opportunities fall into place and an aliveness ignite.

Step 5


The Actualization Phase is where you get to own your truest, rawest and most authentically expressed self! You grant yourself permission to live free in your life, amplified in your voice, expressive in your body and aligned in your business! To move in fully embodiment of your truth. Your radiance starts to pour out into your life and motivates others! It is here you stand strong in your purpose & deep in your leadership.

One: Awareness

Exploring your Current State of Being

  • $Exploring Triggers & Projections
  • $Understanding Childhood Stories
  • $Developing Emotional Intelligence to process Thoughts & Emotions
  • $Assessing the Wheel of Life that Drives Your Life
  • $Creating Subconscious Goals & Intention Setting
  • $Embracing Your Body Image through Proper Gut & Hormone Health Nutrition
  • $Finding Safety in Your Body
  • $Understanding the Voice of your Ego
  • $Clarifying blockages through Fear Inventory

Two: Alleviation

Empowering Your Inner Healing

  • $Reparenting our Inner Child through Hypnotherapy
  • $Healing through Mother + Father + Sister Wounds
  • $Exploring your Shadows through Voice Dialogue
  • $Working with Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)
  • $Moving through Childhood Wounds through TIME Techniques
  • $Reclaiming your Self Worth by Reprogramming old stories & belief systems
  • $Healing through Mirror Work

Three: Activation

Stepping into Your Power

  • $Connecting to your power through Feminine Alchemy Practices & Womb Work
  • $Igniting Self Intimacy through Mirror Gazing & more
  • $Cycle Syncing to align with living a purpose driven life
  • $Raising your vibration through Breath, Hypnotherapy & Meditative Practices
  • $Optimizing Your Spiritual Rituals & Routines for Your Dream Life
  • $Befriending & Creating a Dialogue with your Inner Child
  • $Learning to Set Boundaries
  • $Cultivating Confidence Through Embodiment
  • $Integrating Self Pleasure & Play
  • $Healing Sexual Trauma & Connecting to Self Intimacy

Four: Application

Calling Aliveness to your Dream Life

  • $Learning to Create Mental & Emotional Space through Somatic Release & Somatic Embodiment
  • $Reestablishing Your Values
  • $Operating from the Divine Feminine to Call in Flow & Freedom
  • $Understanding the Law of Attraction
  • $Developing or Deepening your Relationship with a Power Greater than You
  • $Aligning with your Purpose to share your gifts with the world
  • $Defining your Zone of Genius
  • $Learning to Visualize Your Future Self

Five: Actualization

Living in Embodiment of Your True Self

  • $Integrating Feminine Embodiment Practices - Moon Cycling, Cycle Syncing & more
  • $Creating a Positive & Sacred Pleasure Practice that Uplifts Your Soul
  • $Balancing your Blocked Chakras
  • $Amplifying Your Voice as a Leader
  • $Standing & Living Life in your Fullest, Most Authentically Expressed Self
  • $Deepening Your Connection to Source
  • $Manifesting through Sex Magick practices
  • $Financial, Mental and Personal Freedom
  • $Living a Purpose Driven Life through Owning Your Truth

What’s Included

20 Weeks of Video Modules rooted in the 5 Phase Ascension Method

10: 1-on-1 Breakthrough Video Calls

20 Weekly Breakthrough Workshops hosted by myself & a handful of the leading professional in the healing industry

Weekly Office Hours

"Fuel Your Fearless" Breakthrough Worksheets

Fearless Females Sacred Breakthrough Community

“Erica paves the way
for full blown liberation.”

My experience with Erica was the most eye-opening and freeing experience. She was attentive, nurturing and very passionate during my whole program! I found a deeper love for myself in not only the way I think but my actions following them. The program not only kept me accountable, consistent and happy but it continues to keep me on a path that I am very proud of. Erica’s guidance is something I will carry with me forever as I continue to learn and grow into the person she has helped me become.

-Jessica Doerner

Fearlessly Embodied
